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new year in india

  • new-year-destinations-india
    Dec 28 2016

    6 destinations in India to ring in the New Year

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    Every year, the New Year’s eve is celebrated with impressive fireworks, local traditions and extravagant spectacle across India. This is an exciting time, an opportunity for a new beginning and celebration of what we have achieved in the year gone by. While most of us are preparing ourselves to bid adieu to 2016, the question that […]

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  • Pohela Boishakh
    Dec 04 2015

    A Guide to New Year’s in India

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    India is a country of a gazillion different castes, religions and ethnicities. As such, it is not surprising that there are various different versions of the same festival or event, that takes places in the country and even the rest of the world. Take New Year’s, for instance. What is celebrated at midnight on the […]

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