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5 Best International Coffee Drinks for the Caffeine Lover

Fresh Coffee
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There are some things a coffee lover just cannot forgive – like a watered-down coffee, having to start the day without a nice hot cuppa, which brings us to having to gulp down lukewarm coffee and so on and so forth. The initial rush of awareness and adrenaline that a hardcore coffee lover gets after his first cup of strong coffee is irreplaceable. And the rich beverage making its way down your throat is something indescribable. Your mouth watering yet? It could be hot or it could be cold, frothy or flat, good coffee is an indispensable part of life for caffeine addicts. So here are the 5 best international coffee drinks for the caffeine lover and even coffee initiates!

Irish Coffee

Irish Coffee

If you like your coffee a little boozy, then Irish Coffee is the perfect yummylicious option for you. Generally classified as a cocktail, Irish Coffee is a delicious mix of coffee and whiskey. Topped with frothy cream and lots of love, this creamy drink will warm you right up in winters. Where: The Irish House, Koolar & Co

Vietnamese Iced Coffee

Vietnamese Iced Coffee

Aka Ca phe da, the Vietnamese Iced Coffee is essentially a cold brew of Vietnamese dark roast coffee and sweet condensed milk poured over ice. If you want to cool down during the hot Indian summers with something sweet and cool, then Ca phe da is your drink! Where: Cold Coffee Float at McCafe 

Café au Lait

Cafe au Lait

Café au Lait may sound very sophisticated, but this is a frothier, creamier cousin of the Indian-style milk coffee. Basically coffee with hot milk, Café au Lait can be based in espresso or dark coffee. The best snacks to team with this delectable drink is a biscotti or a croissant. Where: Café Coffee Day



This one belies everything that is common and ordinary with its beautiful blend of ice-cream or gelato with espresso. If you like ice-cream as much as you like coffee, then Affogato is simply heaven for you. Basically Italian for “drowned”, this is one drink we wouldn’t mind getting drowned in. Where: Movenpick

Red Eye

Red Eye

A drink similar to the Americano, a Red Eye is a combination of espresso and drip coffee. It has a lot of variants, some of which are called Dead Eye made with three shots of espresso and Black Eye made with two shots of espresso. This is definitely a drink meant for hardcore coffee drinkers! Where: Any international Starbucks

So, here’s our list of the 5 best international coffee drinks for the caffeine lover. Do you have any other names that you would add to it?

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Nikita is a total and complete bookworm. She’s also a writer and a dreamer who dreams of travelling far and wide. Her other very important dream is to one day, very soon, write books for children.

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