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TG Vagabonds

  • Offbeat Travel Destination
    Aug 29 2016

    5 offbeat travel destinations in India

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    “Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost.” – Erol Ozan With the approaching long weekend, it’s time to explore the unexplored, to travel the lengths and breadths of our country and rediscover ourselves. Whether a globetrotter, a tourist, a backpacker or a pilgrim, our country has never disappointed any. With hills and valleys, […]

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  • Street Style
    Jun 06 2016

    Top 6 Stylish Cities in the World

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    As rightly said by distinguished designer Oscar de la Renta, “Fashion is about dressing according to what’s fashionable. Style is more about being yourself.” The world has a lot of inspiration for art and what is fashion, if not art? Countless cities in the world hum with a style so great and so poignant that […]

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  • Airport Fashion
    May 09 2016

    Fly in Style — Top 7 Celeb Trends

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    Celebrity airport style is all about comfort, class and confidence. You just can’t travel from one corner of the world to another, multiple times a month, without feeling comfortable. Be it air travel or any other travel, comfort is something that trumps fashion, any time. But our celebs have managed combining the two and carrying […]

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  • Tattooed Girl
    Apr 11 2016

    Top 10 Travel Tattoos for the Wanderluster

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    While many of us really want to get a tattoo, the infamous pain of the tattoo needle scares us and we get discouraged. Let us tell you at the get-go, the tattoo-pain syndrome is highly overrated! If you have an okay-enough pain threshold, that is, if you can take a little bit of pain, like […]

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