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Top 10 Travel Tattoos for the Wanderluster

Tattooed Girl
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While many of us really want to get a tattoo, the infamous pain of the tattoo needle scares us and we get discouraged. Let us tell you at the get-go, the tattoo-pain syndrome is highly overrated! If you have an okay-enough pain threshold, that is, if you can take a little bit of pain, like maybe an injection prick, then you can probably get inked and with zero worries! The only thing you need to check are if your tattoo artist follows the proper rules like using a new and sterilized needle for every new tattoo, so on and so forth.

If you are an avid traveller or your dream is to travel the world someday soon, then what better way to start off your ink journey than with a travel-themed tattoo? And for inspiration, we have rounded off a few tattoo ideas for you! Here are the top 10 travel tattoos for the wanderluster

How about a tiny map of the world on one wrist and a little aeroplane on the other? Speaks volumes about your thirst to see the world!


Source: Allwomenstalk

Getting a compass and the word “Wanderlust” inked will surely motivate you to travel more!


Source: Allwomenstalk

Or a cutesy paper plane to take you around


Source: Slingerville

Get the skyline of your favourite city inked for an arty tattoo!


Source: Pinterest

Here’s a whimsical take on hot-air balloons!


Source: Sortra

Are you a big fan of the big seas?

Source: Tattooideas247

Source: Tattooideas247

Or maybe get a quote that says it all


Source: Buzzfeed

Hey, don’t forget your camera!


Source: Sortra

If you’re a numbers fan, coordinates are awesome!


Source: Buzzfeed

Do you feel like a free bird while travelling?

The Gohemian

Source: The Gohemian

Tattoos are a great way to remember a journey that changed your life. Which of these top 10 travel tattoos did you like the most?

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Nikita is a total and complete bookworm. She’s also a writer and a dreamer who dreams of travelling far and wide. Her other very important dream is to one day, very soon, write books for children.

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