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Indian e-visa scheme extended to British travellers

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In an attempt to boost tourism, the Indian e-visa scheme has now been extended to UK passport holders. Britons will be one of 113 nationalities who will be able to apply for an Indian visa online and make the process of procuring the correct entry documents quicker and easier. UK passport holders will be able to apply for an e-visa via the Indian Government’s tourist visa website without having to book an appointment or send a postal application.

Even the cost will be reduced from the current fee of £89.44 to £39. Applicants will now be able to upload documents, pay the fees and track applications online. The Indian e-visa scheme still does not promise immediate visas; on applying online for the visa applicants can expect to receive the entry documents via email within 4 days. Travellers visiting India on an e-visa will have to arrive at one of the 16 designated airports that include Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai. Fingerprinting and other biometric data will be collected on arrival.

The Indian e-visa scheme still has certain constraints like the visas may only be used for a maximum of two visits a year, are single-entry only, and their 30-day validity cannot be extended. The Government hopes that the Indian e-visa scheme will bring in more tourism to the world’s second most populated country.

What are your opinions about the Indian e-visa scheme? Share your opinions in the comments section!


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Nikita is a total and complete bookworm. She’s also a writer and a dreamer who dreams of travelling far and wide. Her other very important dream is to one day, very soon, write books for children.

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