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Jammu & Kashmir is “Best Romantic Destination” of India

Jammu & Kashmir
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Once again, beauty and grace have triumphed over everything else and our very own paradise on earth has been named the best romantic destination in India. Jammu & Kashmir, as we all know, has long been the most sought-after destination by honeymooning couples for its grand sights and nostalgic ambience. The snow-capped peaks, the meandering lakes, the colourful house-boats, the blooming tulip garden and the royal Kashmiri feast are things that have attracted visitors from around the world to this beautiful state. If you are planning to visit Jammu & Kashmir this summer, make sure you book your hotels well in advance through Travelguru’s summer hotel sale and save up to 40% off!

Click here for hotels in Jammu & Kashmir

In 2012, Lonely Planet had awarded Jammu & Kashmir with the “best emerging destination” in India tag. This year, Jammu & Kashmir has been named the best romantic destination in India, while Switzerland has been named the best international romantic destination, and for good reason! “We are in a process of image building. We have been portrayed as negative destination for pretty long. Now we have seen the change. Change is already there. People are interested in Kashmir and they want to come. There are people who have a dream in life to visit Kashmir. So that things are looking positive. When these awards come it helps us in the image building,” said Mehmood Ahmad Shah, director tourism Kashmir.

With travel advisories issued by a few countries against travelling in Kashmir, tourism in the state was adversely affected. But with the best romantic destination title, hopes are high that it may change the picture of tourism in Jammu & Kashmir for the better. What are your thoughts on travel in Jammu & Kashmir? Will you be visiting Jammu & Kashmir this summer?

Source: DNA

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Nikita is a total and complete bookworm. She’s also a writer and a dreamer who dreams of travelling far and wide. Her other very important dream is to one day, very soon, write books for children.

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