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The top 5 gorgeous offbeat destinations in the world!

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There comes a time in every traveller’s life when he wonders what’s left to see of the world. After the usually similar looking cities and towns, forests and mountains, bazaars and monuments, there comes an impasse where it’s either you stay at home or discover newer destinations to explore. That is when you log on to the internet and sift through the trillions of travel articles to get to one like this where we tell you about some of the most beautiful destinations in the world. And these destinations come with the disclaimer “Completely off the beaten track. Sorry, not sorry” attached to it. Jokes aside, here is our hand-picked list of the top 5 gorgeous offbeat destinations in the world, from out heart to yours!

Sheki, Azerbaijan


This city in Northwestern Azerbaijan is situated in the southern part of the Greater Caucasus mountain range. Sheki is characterised by its rustic scenes, grand architecture and beautiful mountains vistas. If you want to explore an old-world, dazzling little gem that has captured many a heart and imagination, Sheki is your answer.

Tywyn, Wales


Taking its name from the Welsh meaning beach/seashore, Tywyn features sand dunes on the north and south of the town. This seaside town has been a pilgrimage centre for, wait for it… almost a thousand years! Surprising, isn’t it? If you have a penchant for quaint rural life, or you want to try it out for kicks, Tywyn is the place for you in Wales!

Abhaneri, India


Abhaneri in the Dausa district of Rajasthan is world-famous for the Chand Baori step well. Known for its predominance of ‘baoris’ or step wells constructed by locals to harvest rain water, Chand Baori was also used as a location as the “Lazarus Pit” in the Hollywood flick The Dark Knight Rises.

Click here for hotels in Rajasthan

Can Tho, Vietnam

Can Tho

The 4th largest city in Vietnam, Can Tho is characterised by its floating market and picture-perfect rural canals. If you want to experience Asia, try Can Tho for the sheer Asianness of it. Despite being more or less the same for the past 100 years, Can Tho features all the facilities you may expect to see in a major cosmopolitan city.

Ushuaia, Argentina


Last but not least in the gorgeous offbeat destinations in the world is Ushuaia. Commonly regarded as the southernmost city in the world, Ushuaia serves as a base for many Antarctic explorations. If you are one to find joy in charming old things like rides in steam-engine pulled trains and gazing at mighty mountains till the sun goes down, Ushuaia has quite a lot to offer you.

We all want to see the world and take in the glamorous sights and sounds of the bustling cities. But while doing this, we miss out on some unseen, unsung gems that can truly mesmerise and delight you. This vacation season, give the same-old holiday destinations a miss and try out one of these top 5 gorgeous destinations in the world!

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Nikita is a total and complete bookworm. She’s also a writer and a dreamer who dreams of travelling far and wide. Her other very important dream is to one day, very soon, write books for children.

  • Nice collection of attractive images and informations…

  • Priya Gupta

    Tywyn looks like such a picturesque location. It goes in my bucket list! Your articles are always informative yet interesting. I always learn a thing or two while going through your articles which help me in planning my next trip carefully. I also always ensure to use Travelguru coupons to lower my travelling expenses.

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