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Travel like a Pro – Top 5 Travel Apps you must have

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Travelling can be a complete breeze if you have handy tools and guides that help you out when you’re in a pickle. International travel, especially, can be quite tricky if you don’t understand the language of the place, the customs or the rules. Plus, if you take into consideration all the things that you have to remember to take or to do, it can very well send you in a tizzy! Everyone wants their journey to be as comfortable and as smooth-sailing as possible. And this is possible if you plan ahead and take things in your stride. But do you know there are things that can make travelling an easier feat?

Technology has brought to us “apps” or applications on mobile and tablet devices that can help us out and guide us through our journey! These travel apps, as they’re called, are a wonderful way to remember details, set reminders, find your way if you’re lost, book hotels and transport on-the-go and so much more. So, to make your vacation time a little more hassle-free, we bring you the top 5 travel apps that you should have while travelling!


A personalized itinerary is always a great idea. WorldMate brings all of your travel details in one place; all you have to do is forward all your flight and hotel details and WorldMate will organize them into one convenient app. This app also has additional tools like weather forecast, tip calculator and currency converter.

Platform: Android, iOS, Windows


TripAdvisor is your friendly neighbourhood travel review site. This app provides reviews on hotels, destinations, restaurants, etc worldwide written by actual travellers. You can browse through tons of pictures and reviews, explore restaurants and attractions, check out prices and ratings, all in one little app! You can add your own travel experiences to the app, too!

Platform: Android, iOS, Windows


PackPoint is the best travel companion you will have when it comes to packing for your trip. Sometimes, you plan a vacation to some destination you’ve never been to before; for instance, a trekking expedition to North India. You probably wouldn’t know what to pack and what you might need on your trip. PackPoint will help you with a check-list of everything that you will need to pack according to the nature of your trip.

Platform: Android, iOS

Trip Splitter

When it comes to splitting expenses between friends or family, it is never really a fun task. The person responsible for the splitting of expenses usually has a hard time doing so, especially if no one has noted down the expenses in the first place. This is when Trip Splitter comes into play. Trip Splitter lets you track expenses by creating participant profiles, and you can input and categorize your expenses. With multiple useful tools available in this app, it sure is a great way to keep track of how much you’re spending, where, and who owes you how much.

Platform: iOS

Google Translate

Like the name suggests, this app lets users translate one language to another. What you are required to do is type in/dictate short sentences or words in an input language and select the output language of your choice. Currently, the app also allows users to translate signs and text with the help of your camera.

Platform: Android, iOS, Windows

How many of these travel apps have you installed in your devices? Which other apps would you recommend to other travellers?

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Nikita is a total and complete bookworm. She’s also a writer and a dreamer who dreams of travelling far and wide. Her other very important dream is to one day, very soon, write books for children.

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