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3 Best Apps for Easy Train Travel

Travel Apps
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While there are countless travel apps that have made travelling easier and so much more fun, it’s the transportation-based travel apps that have made travel uncomplicated. Travel in India, especially by railways, can be quite a tedious task, one that most of us try to avoid. But things have changed, and how! Not only is travelling by rail simple now, but it is also a lot more enjoyable. What with the tons of train travel apps available online, our smartphones have become travel portals and journeys have become a breeze! Check out these 3 best apps for easy train travel and make sure your journeys are made simple and fun


First launched keeping in mind Indian railways and their schedules, m-Indicator offers a wide range of other helpful services, as well. Launched in 2010, m-Indicator has come as quite a bit of relief for Mumbaikars. Today, it also offers features like women’s safety, auto fares, taxi fares, emergency numbers, etc, besides local train, metro and mono rail timetables.

Ticket Jugaad

Railway passengers have, at one point or another, faced the issue of no tickets or unconfirmed tickets. Ticket Jugaad helps you figure out this issue by ensuring optimal usage of unoccupied seats. This app uses an algorithm that helps passengers with alternate ticket options in the same train by identifying empty routes in the journey.


While travelling in long-distance trains, food becomes an issue. The food available in the railway pantries is barely edible and it’s not physically possible to hop out of the train during halts to grab some food. TravelKhana is an app that lets you order food right from your seats and get it delivered right to you. Just select the food you want to eat on the app, enter your PNR number or train details and you will soon be the recipient of fresh and yummy food!

Aren’t these apps just genius? Which other apps do you use that you would add to this list of the 3 best apps for easy train travel? Let us know!

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Nikita is a total and complete bookworm. She’s also a writer and a dreamer who dreams of travelling far and wide. Her other very important dream is to one day, very soon, write books for children.

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