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5 ways to save money (and a lot of your anger) on your travels

5 ways to save money
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Your bags are packed, and you’re ready to go.

You’re so excited that your face may just break away from your body any moment. There’s no reason NOT to be excited, of course, but people tend to overreact in such cases. And more often than not, it’s your wallet that is going to hurt the most.

So here are five ways you can travel smart and not spend too much cash –

1. Try hostels instead of hotels

Hostels instead of Hotels

The first step to save money while travelling, is to find cheaper accommodation. Although you may have heard otherwise, travelling is not about 5 star hotels – chilling by the pool with your drink, thinking that this is the life you’d like to have. It’s about meeting new people, identifying a new culture and creating new experiences. Try Couchsurfing, where you can stay with a local and get acquainted with the city even better. You may also exchange some hard work on the fields for a good night’s sleep with WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms). Or you could check out some hostels rather than splurge on luxurious hotels.

2. Use public transport!

Stop being so obnoxious and use the public transport for once! It gives you a more local feel of travelling and is much cheaper than using your personal vehicle – a sure shot way to save money on a large scale. Many destinations provide you with anything from single day to weekly passes to use their trams, buses, metros, etc. And if you’re feeling too eco-friendly, there’s always the bicycle. Many destinations now have a dedicated bicycle lane and also provide cycles on rent on a daily basis.

3. Food


Try not to walk into the first restaurant that you encounter, just because it looks cool from the outside. Most places will give you a lot of eating options which you can carefully inspect. Many a times, you can get acquainted with the local flavors as much at a modest stall than the most expensive restaurants. Also, you can ask locals for their verdict – you’re sure to receive helpful (and sometimes maybe derogatory, yet funny) advice.

4. Cheaper cities than famous ones

It’s wiser to select 3 or 4 locations that are lesser known or popular than to mindlessly follow the herd. You never know what wonder may hit you. Not only do you save money this way, but also explore an untold facet of the country. Obviously, you must research thoroughly about the destination before you set out; you don’t want to end up in the middle of nowhere.

5. Work while travelling

Work While Travelling

The one time you thought you’re running away from work, it follows you wherever you go! But don’t be saddened, as the work will help you keep your travel budget in check! You must know that a number of people live off travel by blogging about their sojourns. Apart from that if you don’t mind tending bars or serving at tables, you can always use your expertise in exchange for a few bucks. Also, it’s a good thing if you’re a Scuba Diving instructor.

Well, that’s about it..

If none of the aforementioned tips suit your fancy, you can always try your luck with various travel contests (just Google it!) – Almost a lifetime and innumerable contests later, you may just be able to pack your bags and set out. Let’s hope you get there sooner!

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A budding musician, Jai has always had a knack of creative writing. When he’s not writing poetry or coming up with his own song, he is busy playing football and getting up to date in the world of sports. Soft spoken, but always up for a challenge

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