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Top 6 tips for international travel

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There aren’t many things as exciting as travel, and if you plan to travel internationally, then nothing like it! As exciting as international travel is, there’s a good chance that you may end up overlooking some important details in your excitement before you set off. And there are quite a few details to take care of, for sure! There’s your passport to be looked into, visas, vaccinations… and a number of other things! Let’s take a quick look at some of the most important things to do before you travel internationally. Here are the top 6 tips for international travel. Bon Voyage!

Make sure your passport is up-to-date

Passport stamps
This goes without saying. You don’t want to even start planning an international trip while your passport is beyond its expiry date or just about to expire. It can be pretty heartbreaking to not be able to execute a well-planned trip! So, check out your passport and get it renewed before you plan to go international. Also, check out if you need a visa for the destination you’ve chosen. Another good idea is to get copies of your passport and leave one copy at home or with someone you trust, in case of loss or theft.

Watch out for travel alerts
It’s sometimes not safe to visit countries or specific areas of those countries due to long-standing issues. Most nations issue warnings against travel to these countries to avoid any threat to travellers. Check with your government of official authorities if you are planning a trip to a destination otherwise considered conflicted. Most travel insurance policies do not cover travel to countries that fall under travel warnings.

Get the required vaccinations
Look up information on health and vaccinations for the destination you’re travelling to. To be properly protected against disease, you must get the required shots at least 6 weeks before departure. And if you’re travelling to a country where disease is widespread, make sure you consult with a medical professional. Also, if you have any prescriptions to fill, do get them filled without fail.

Pack light and appropriately

Luggage tags
Do not overstuff your bags with things you plan to wear but know in your heart that you probably won’t. But also don’t be too stingy. Carry a handbag and carry a pair of clothes in it so you don’t have to settle for gift shop clothes if your luggage is lost. Put a name tag on each of your bags and carry an extra pair of prescription glasses if you wear them.

Be financially smart
One of the most important tips for international travel are checking out the monetary conversions for your chosen destination. Always carry local cash and make sure your ATM cards are universally accepted. It’s a good idea to inform your credit card issuers about your international trip as your card may be blocked for suspicious activity if you swipe it in Dubai and you’re from India.

Get guidebooks and research local events

Guidebooks help you with the keywords, phrases, maps, best places to visit and the things to do in a new country. So getting a guidebook to somewhere is a good way to explore your destination. Look up the various cultural events taking place in the place you’re visiting so you can join in the local fun and festivities.

Now that you have some of the best tips for international travel, which international destination do you plan to visit? How has your experience been on an international trip?

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Nikita is a total and complete bookworm. She’s also a writer and a dreamer who dreams of travelling far and wide. Her other very important dream is to one day, very soon, write books for children.

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