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Top 7 easy and effective backpacking tips for beginners

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Backpacking can be a wonderful experience especially for those wanting to just get out and explore the world. It requires the least expenses and one can still enjoy the beauty and charm of the places one visits. However, as fun and exciting as backpacking sounds, it can come with its fair share of troubles. And for a beginner, backpacking can be quite tricky. To make backpacking simpler, we bring to you 7 easy and effective backpacking tips for beginners. Read, learn and enjoy your trip!

Pack light

This one needs little explanation. Backpacking means carrying your world along with you in a backpack! You can’t pack too much and you can’t pack too little, you have to do it just right. Packing light means to pack only the most important things with you and leave out any extras that you know you will not need. You will also save up some money with airlines as you won’t have to pay extra for overweight bags.

Don’t carry any valuables

This is true with any kind of travel. It’s always a good idea to leave your valuables like jewellery at home. Only bring things that you won’t miss too much if they’re lost or stolen. The very idea of backpacking is carrying the bare minimum with you and making do with the basics. If you take away the essence of backpacking, it will stop being fun!

Beware of pickpockets and scam artists

No matter what country you decide to go backpacking in, you will always encounter or come across instances of pickpockets and scam artists. Be careful of where you keep your cash and spread it out. Don’t keep everything in one place lest someone notices it! Pickpockets and scam artists are trained to spot tourists and they know just how to take advantage of you.

Always keep someone informed

This one goes without saying! Never leave home without informing someone; at least let your friends know where you will be going and for how long. Also, always make sure there’s some way that your friends back home can get in touch with you. Don’t just drop off the face of the earth!

Carry some light snacks

It’s a good idea to carry some granola bars or energy bars so you can munch on them if you feel your energy draining or you suddenly feel hungry. This will also help you save up on a lot of money on snacks through the day. This way you can also splurge on other things that you want to buy!

Walk instead of taking a cab

Taking a cab to your destination will only have you spending a bomb on cab fare. Instead, walk a little and give your body the exercise it needs! Also, taking a stroll to nearby places will let you explore the new place in the best way possible, letting you have tons of great stories to tell when you go back home.

Buy a train pass

One of the best easy and effective backpacking tips for beginners is buying a train pass. Many countries provide facilities where you can buy a long-term train pass so that you don’t have to wait in long queues for a ticket and can save some money because you’re buying in bulk.

Have you gone backpacking before? What other tips would you add in this list of easy and effective backpacking tips for beginners?

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Nikita is a total and complete bookworm. She’s also a writer and a dreamer who dreams of travelling far and wide. Her other very important dream is to one day, very soon, write books for children.

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